Thursday, May 20, 2021

My favourite personality essay

My favourite personality essay

my favourite personality essay

 · “Think a hundred times before you take a decision, but once a decision is taken, stand by it as one man.” The Quaid, speech at Aligarh University. So the Quaid-i-Azam is my favorite hero and leader in history. I love and esteem the Quaid for many blogger.coms: 7  · Essay On My Favorite Personality My Father. There are many people all around the world who are very famous and celebrities. But my favorite personality is my father. My father is my hero and an awesome father. He is kind, polite and really friendly to everyone. He is a pastor by profession and is very good in teaching to his family and blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min My favorite personality is our Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), who is the last messenger of Allah in this world upon whom the revelation of the Quran was sent. In a Hadis Allah says to Hazarat Adam “I Muhammad would not be created you also not be created”

My Favourite Personality [Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah]

Fewer still can alter the map of the world. The reason is that such dramatic reversals of fortune are always subjected to big obstacles and high risks. But the work of a great leader is to turn a weakness into strength, obstacles into stepping-stones, and risks into inspiration and triumph.

The Quaid-e-Azam did the same for the Muslims of British India and got them liberated from the yoke of subjection. Having laid the foundation of the biggest Muslim state in the world, he verily changed the map of the world and altered the course of history and thus became one of the greatest political leaders and statesmen the Indo Pakistan Muslims ever had. I shall not look upon his like again.

So the Quaid-i-Azam is my favorite hero and leader in history, my favourite personality essay. I love and esteem the Quaid for many reasons. Firstly, the Quaid was very wise and sagacious. This was the reason that he pressed his claim for a separate My favourite personality essay homeland in a very successful and amazing manner. Rather, he inflicted a bitter intellectual defeat on both the Hindus and the Britishers.

Secondly, the Quaid had the fabulous determination and strong willpower. Though overwork reduced Quaid to physical wreck, his passion to win freedom for his nation remained undefeated. He kept crossing swords with the Britishers and the Hindu leaders for the achievement of an independent state. He knew that he was suffering from a serious disease, but he refused to take any rest or respite.

For him, death had virtually become a trivial consideration for the accomplishment of his noble mission. He was fully aware of the fact that he was the only Muslim leader who could win liberty for the Muslims of India, who were passing through the most difficult period of their history. Thirdly, Quaids personality had a lot of Charisma. He was loved and honored by the Muslims of the subcontinent very much.

People used my favourite personality essay come on foot from distant places to have a look at their leader. He had got tremendous power to inspire and motivate the people of his nation. Fourthly, he was a great orator. His speeches and statements inspired the masses my favourite personality essay lot and made them. supremely conscious of their high destiny.

His speeches depicted a clear vision what sort of state Pakistan would be. He had the capability to warm the hearts of the public by his eloquent and stirring speeches. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Email Address. Fourthly, the Quaid was an extremely devoted and committed leader. He sacrificed his sleep, rest and leisure, my favourite personality essay, and even health for the accomplishment of his noble cause. Even in serious illness, he embarked upon ceaseless traveling, kept long hours of working, and never bothered to protect himself from wind and weather. This physically weak leader made untiring efforts to consolidate his shattered nation and unite them on one political platform.

His was a sou thirsted for service in a body that was worn out by over work and ill health. you courage to the sticking place And well not fail. Fifthly, the Quaid was an extremely courageous leader. When, on 5th AugustLord Mountbatten informed the Quaid that the Hindu and Sikh leaders were conspiring to assassinate him during the state drive, this great leader remained unmoved and declared that the state drive would take place at any cost.

During freedom movement, the British government wanted to arrest him and the mighty revolution was staring him in the face, he remained fearless and calm. He never showed any worry and care about his personal safety and protection.

Sixthly, the Quaid was thoroughly an honest and fair leader. Addressing to the first constituent assembly of Pakistan he said. I shall always be guided by the principles of justice and fair play, my favourite personality essay. He was totally against social evils such as corruption, black marketing, nepotism, and jobbery.

He called them noxious evils and wanted to crush them down with an iron hand. Seventhly, the Quaid believed in tolerance and equality. He categorically declared that no discriminations would be made on the basis of caste, color, and creed in the state of Pakistan. The following words of the Quaid clearly, show that he was a great champion of human rights. You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any places of worship in the state of Pakistan.

So his wisdom, determination, matchless leadership, brilliant oratory, extreme devotion, tremendous courage, and total honesty teamed up to make him the most lovable and the most revered personality of British India.

This great leader was born in Karachi on December 25, my favourite personality essay, His father Poonja Jinnah was a businessman of average financial status.

The Quaid, during his school career, clearly reflected his future greatness and glory. He was, therefore, after his Matriculation, my favourite personality essay, sent to England o study law.

Returning to India inhe began to practice in Karachi. But he could not do well. He left Karachi and went to Bombay to try his luck. At the same time, he began to take interest in politics. He made his debut in Indian politics in by joining the Congress. But soon he left it on seeing the evil designs of the Hindus. Then he joined the Muslim League and became its leader. Quaid-i-Azams honesty, integrity, and my favourite personality essay skill were appreciated even by my favourite personality essay Hindus and the Britishers.

Reason and logic always governed his personal and political life. He never used underhand means in politics. He always based his thought and action my favourite personality essay realistic principles. It was due to his firmness of character, extreme devotion, deep sincerity, and my favourite personality essay stance that he was able to snatch freedom from the unwilling hands of the Hindus and the Britishers.

Where Pakistan was concerned he knew no compromise. If he had compromised, there would have been no Pakistan on the map of the world.

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My favourite Personalities Short Paragraph 100 Words

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Essay On My Favourite Personality-Suitable for all class students | Ontaheen

my favourite personality essay

 · Quaid e Azam Essay In English – My Favorite Personality. Quaid e Azam has a lot of special qualities in the special personality features of his personality is the role model for us. He has a soft and kind-hearted personality. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah has real feelings of sympathy for the Muslims of the sub-continent. The Personality of Quaid-e-Azam was very simple but blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins  · My favorite personality or is often called idol is William Henry Bill Gates III. He is usually known as Bill Gates. He was born on October 28, and was a local resident of Seattle, Washington, United States. In his early ages, he began to show an interest in computer programming  · Essay On My Favorite Personality My Father. There are many people all around the world who are very famous and celebrities. But my favorite personality is my father. My father is my hero and an awesome father. He is kind, polite and really friendly to everyone. He is a pastor by profession and is very good in teaching to his family and blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min

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