Thursday, May 20, 2021

India after independence essay

India after independence essay

india after independence essay

 · Essays on India After 60 Years of Independence: Point 1. After India had gained independence, it was believed that the country would not survive. The thing is that India is very diverse, it is a mixture of different religions, castes, languages, traditions, and so on  · Many Problems faced by India after independence Essay Words. India is a developing country, Many problems faced by india after independence. They are the challenge of civilized society after 73rd Independence Day of India and we need the determination to get rid of these burning problems. India’s territory is per cent of the world’s area Essay on India After Independence By vidyadharghate on June 29, in Essays India got freedom on 15th August Many unknown heroes risked their lives so that all of us may breathe in freedom. Achieving independence was a tremendous task. After the building of the country began in right earnest

Words Essay on India after independence

India after Independence. Essay No. There is no doubt that India has made tremendous progress after Independence. At the time of Independence, most of the Indian people led a miserable life, india after independence essay.

They lived in huts, slums and shanties. They had no facilities and comforts of life. There was widespread illiteracy and child mortality was high. There was shortage of food grains and famines were common and many people died of starvation. After independence, the whole scenario has changed. Still a vast majority of people lives in villages. But now the lot of villages has greatly changed. Most of the villages are electrified.

They are connected to big cities with pucka roads. The farmers get bumper crops, thanks to the new agricultural and irrigational methods and the fair use of new seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. There has been a revolution in the medical science.

Child mortality has greatly been reduced and life-span has been greatly increased, india after independence essay. Nov, there are cures even for those diseases which were previously thought to be incurable such as T. B, cholera, heart trouble, etc. New education, new machines, skills and courses have made India prosperous and an economic power to be reckoned with in the international arena.

Democracy has taken firm roots in India and a number of elections, by and large free and fair, have been held here over the years. Heavy industry such as steel, cement, etc. which is so vital for infrastructure has been started on a large-scale. Means of information and communication and entertainment have been revolutionized and India has become a giant in the fields of information technology and telecommunications.

India has also become a nuclear and space power and envisions to become a developed country by India has shown her military power a number of times by inflicting crushing defeats on Pakistan in, india after independence essay, and In spite of this, there have been certain setbacks and certain intractable problems.

The burgeoning population has nullified much of the progress. Rich-poor disparity in incomes is abnormal. Still there are some acute problems such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, corruption, female foieticideetc.

Let us india after independence essay all these will be solved sooner rather than later. Fifty Years of Indian Independence, india after independence essay.

August 15, marked India completing its 50th Year of Independence. This is not a long time in the life of a nation, but it has been long enough to see the dramatic changes in all areas. Inwe threw out the British after a unique freedom struggle which gave the world the philosophy of non-violence. Over the years, there have been many things to be proud of, india after independence essay, but perhaps as many things to feel let down.

When our independence was in its infancy, it had to face many hard and complex problems. The country was partitioned and millions of people were uprooted. Our Government had to rehabilitate them. At the same time, Pakistan unleased tribals to attack Kashmir, which had acceded to and become a part of India. Razakaars in Hyderabad rebelled against our Government. Other Maharajas tried to form independent States. But, thank God, all these difficulties were overcome with the help of our great leaders like Sardar Patel.

The first goal achieved by free India was to consolidate the various units of the country and to absorb six hundred and odd princely States. India after independence essay unified the india after independence essay and its people. It guaranteed to secure for all its citizens justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. It declared Hindi as the National Language and 18 others as recognised regional languages. It also declared India a secular state and there is no discrimination against any person on grounds of religion, race, caste or creed.

General elections, based on universal adult franchise, have been held thirteen times during the last five decades. As a result of the elections held inNational Front Government came to power at the Centre and in many States. However, inCongress again india after independence essay the power at Centre by virtue of its being the largest single party. But inthe United Front again came to power with the help of Congress.

InBJP-led National Democratic Alliance NDA came to power at the Centre. The fact in this process lies in the peaceful transfer of power every time which indeed symbolises the true democratic character of polity. During these years, we have successfully completed eight Five-Year Plans. These have imparted a measure of strength and stability to our economy.

Per capita income has been increased from Rs. Both agricultural and industrial productions have increased considerably. The india after independence essay of food grains increased from Encouraged by the success of eight Plans, India has now launched the Ninth Five-Year Plan. The Plan, which covers the periodenvisages a total outlay of Rs, india after independence essay.

The Plan aims at the growth rate of 6. It assumes the Incremental Capital Output Ratio ICOR of 4. This growth is to be achieved by 3. On Economic front, the Liberalised Economic Policy was introduced in At that time Indian economy was undergoing a serious crisis.

Industry and agriculture were stagnant; the financial sector was in doldrums; a huge fiscal deficit was mounting with a massive foreign debt, eating into a major chunk of our india after independence essay. The masses had been facing a double-digit rate of inflation. The new policy aimed at the dismantling of controls over the economy with the state yielding to market economy.

As a result of new liberalised policy, india after independence essay, growth rate during the Eighth Plan was 6. On scientific front, India since Independence has continued to march ahead, pursuing a programme of using modern science and technology for national development. At present, we spend about 0. We have made laudable achievements in water management, healthcare system, and nuclear power capacity.

The space programme has envisaged and achieved the objectives of space-based services in areas of communications, meteorology, resource survey and management and development of Satellite Launch Vehicles SLV and PSLV and associated ground system, the GRAM SAT and Remote Sensing Satellites IRS Series are testimony to the Indian excellence and endeavours. However, the impact of scientific and technological endeavour is more obvious in some areas than others.

Industrial advancement, noteworthy achievements in space applications, defence, advance materials and nuclear research do not quite mitigate the misery of a large sections of our population having to exist in unsanitary conditions, without safe drinking water, with little or no medical facilities to help them overcome health hazards. A large number of our villages india after independence essay steeped in poverty, still unlit, lacking in schools and easy means of communication.

On the diplomatic front, India has obdurately maintained its commitment since Independence, to genuine disarmament, india after independence essay has continued its work for attaining on a time-bound basis, a nuclear weapon-free world. India has never accepted discriminating regimes like NPT Non-Proliferation Treaty and is always happy to participate in non-discriminatory and fair global treaties like the chemical weapons convention.

India feels committed to non-alignment but recognises that certain ennui has developed about it in several of old faithful member-states, and apathy in certain others, india after independence essay. India is now experiencing a difficult phase in its relations with the West as they strive to effect fundamental economic, social, and political changes within our own societies. However, during the last five decades our failures have been much more than our achievements.

Our greatest failure is in the eradication of corruption, which is a bigger threat than even external aggression. It is a fact that India has been listed as the seventh most corrupt country in the world.

Corruption has grown because the culprits, especially those in high offices, have discovered that the arm of the law is never long enough to rope them. If there is one gaping hole in our roster of achievements, 50 years after Independence, it is the number of citizens who continue to be ground down by poverty.

Poverty not only affects its victims but also acts as a fetter on the overall development and progress of society.

As far as education is concerned, in India about million children in the age-group do not go to school. Despite various pronouncements by all the governments and various programmes attempted for this purpose one cannot deny that the india after independence essay is grim. India has the dubious record of having half the illiterates of the world by the end of the 20th century.

We have failed to implement what has already been laid down in the Constitution. What we need is to ensure our major social and economic changes. The causes of illiteracy are not going to leave us. If a substantial section of population is illiterate, it is because we have continued the colonial system india after independence essay or less unchanged.

Though, some additional inputs have been made and some marginal progress has taken place, yet it will not solve the problem. What we need today is a mass movement, a mass awareness against this malady to better the record apart from some Herculean efforts on the part of the Government. Child Labour assumes the character of a social problem as it hinders, arrests or distorts the national growth process and prevents the child from attaining manhood.

The estimates of working children in India vary from 50 million to a number much higher. The various reasons for the child labour in the country are cited such as poverty, india after independence essay, wage structure, employment, illiteracy and so on.

To abolish or eliminate this menace from our Indian society, integrated efforts are required.

Chapter 6 India After Independence History (Part II) CBSE NCERT Class 8

, time: 7:51

Essay on India after Independence: How-to Guide and Prompts

india after independence essay

 · Many Problems faced by India after independence Essay Words. India is a developing country, Many problems faced by india after independence. They are the challenge of civilized society after 73rd Independence Day of India and we need the determination to get rid of these burning problems. India’s territory is per cent of the world’s area  · India after Independence Essay No. There is no doubt that India has made tremendous progress after Independence. At the time of Independence, most of the Indian people led a miserable life. They lived in huts, slums and shanties. They had no facilities and comforts of life. There was widespread illiteracy and child mortality was blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Essay on India after Independence! India is the world’s largest democracy. It is the only country in Asia that has remained democratic ever since it attained its independence from British rule. The only exception to this is the brief period of the Emergency in , when the democratic process was blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

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