Thursday, May 20, 2021

Importance of english language essay

Importance of english language essay

importance of english language essay

 · Essay on Importance of English Language We have come from living in the caves and eating raw meat to having machines cook our food for us. This is because we humans could come together and make breakthroughs in science. This is to say, we could communicate with each other, share ideas, and grow blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins  · It’s the most commonly spoken language in the world. It’s the language of international business. Most movies are in English: It’s easy to learn: It helps you understand other languages. You can say things in a hundred different ways: It can be used around the world: It’s is the language of Sports  · Importance of English Language English is one of the most spoken languages around the world. India is known for Hindi; still, there are places where people won’t speak Hindi. I have mentioned some of the importance of learning blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Short and Long Essay on Why Learning English is Important for Students

English has been facing bitter opposition and sharp criticism since the exit of the British rulers from this territory. The government and the masses both were of the opinion that English should cease to dominate our education system, culture, and civilization. But the diversity of languages and dialects is so immense in Pakistan that it was extremely difficult to choose a common national language. Moreover, the roots of the English language were so deep and the advantages so great that all the efforts to replace this language by Urdu were ultimately doomed to failure today, the great demand for admission in English medium schools throughout the country is an obvious testimony to the attraction and importance of the English language.

Being a nationalistic approach, it is highly appreciable, importance of english language essay, but in a fast-changing world of today, it is not a sufficient condition for economic growth and overall national development.

No significant aspect of human efforts, be it science or technology, trade or industry, is today confined to national boundaries, importance of english language essay. The latest and the most advanced discoveries and inventions in science and technology are being made in the universities importance of english language essay Europe and America, and we all know that their mother tongue is English.

No doubt, French, German, Russian and Japanese languages are also producing high-quality scientific literature, but it can not equal the quality and quantity of work done by the scientists whose mother tongue is English. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address. One of the reasons for the worldwide spread of English has been the growth and expansion of the English trade in the 18 and 19 century. English merchants set up their sales offices and factories in different parts of the world.

People in other countries had to learn English to trade with the English. English also came to our aid in our commercial transactions throughout the globe. English has become the language of the latest business management in the world.

There is no denying that now proficiency in English can bring laurels importance of english language essay our business managers. Our national languages can be easily adopted as a medium of instructions at the school level. But we should continue our technical education and higher education in English medium.

Our students will have easier and wider access to worldwide literature and research findings in the Importance of english language essay language. With the internet, worldwide access has come to our doorsteps.

Time has come to promote English to serve our educational interests as also the commercial and cultural interests. A language attracts people because of its individual wealth of literature and knowledge.

And the English language is so rich in literature that it can not be surpassed by any other language of the world. We may hate the Britishers for their despotic and immoral behavior with the Muslims before partition, but we importance of english language essay love Shakespeare for his immense contribution to literature and his great love for humanity.

Most of our Urdu writers and poets got inspiration and various new views and themes from English literature and the practice are still going on. Had there not been English literature, Urdu literature would never have been so rich and interesting. If somebody wants to appreciate the work of the great writers and poets of the world like Milton, Homer, Wordsworth, Keats, Shelley, importance of english language essay, Huxley, Russell, and Bernard Shaw, etc, he will have to learn the English language first.

In the same way, if the Muslim leaders of British India had not got an education in foreign universities, we would never have been able to get an independent homeland. We would have been the slaves of the Hindus. So the knowledge of English gave us freedom, broadened our horizon and cultivated in us an international outlook. This is perhaps the greatest advantage we have so far gained from the knowledge of the English language. There are no two opinions about the fact that the English language is our window to the world.

It makes available to us the best that is thought and done in the world. Human beings are constantly making efforts to improve human destiny. We can also learn from others experience. We can also propagate our theories among international audience and readers. So the English language can be used as-tool to importance of english language essay our viewpoint. Rather, we can make use of English to promote our worldview and spiritual heritage throughout the globe.

We are very well aware of the fact that only the best and the fittest survive in the struggle among ideas as among the living beings. It will be foolish to abandon this tool under some ill-advised politics or misconceived nationalism. Our BAs MAs, M. Scs and MBAs often fall short of international standards due to their poor knowledge of the English language. They have to qualify in Toffle or entrance courses in English for foreign studies and scholarships.

Many of the political leaders, importance of english language essay, religious scholars, and bureaucrats who denounce English, send their own children and grandchildren to convent schools and English medium schools. These people do know that the knowledge of English means high market value and social prestige. So we must make the best use of English to develop ourselves culturally and materially so that we may compete with the best in the world of mind and matter.

That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet. All the facts of history and developments in present-day Pakistan underline the continued importance of learning English in addition to our own language, importance of english language essay. Good knowledge of English is surely indispensable for the latest advancement and international lobbying. Briefly, if we want to keep the wheels of our progress going and promote our cultural identity in the world, importance of english language essay, we must continue to learn English without fail.

Should we forego it simply because it happens to be the language of the people who importance of english language essay ruled the Muslims in multinational India.

Language is the art of expressing our thoughts in words. The three aspects of language study are Vocabulary, pronunciation and syntax. The correct ways of learning a language are:. English is a foreign language. It is firmly rooted in English soil. If one wants to have a good command on English, he must form correct habits of listening, speaking, reading and writing connected and standard English.

Language is the medium of expression or communication whether oral or written. Communication is a unified process of thinking, reading, listening, speaking and writing. While advocating the cause of a language, all these points are to be kept in view. Unfortunately, all these factors importance of english language essay generally ignored or neglected in our educational system.

Nobody can deny the importance of English language in the modern world, particularly in the fields of science and technology. Teaching of language is as important as its practical use. To degrade or derogate national language Urdu before a foreign language is sign of mental slavery, rather unpatriotic. This is what is being done in our country. A child can learn best importance of english language essay easily in mother tongue or national language.

In a country like Pakistan threatened with regionalism, ethnic differences and disintegration, use of national language in primary and lower classes is indispensable for national unity and survival.

Use of English from Nursery and K. class, is like giving stones to kiddies, instead of bread. Neither they understand the sense, nor learn the subject matter or digest it. They simply mug up without proper understanding. It is most unpsychological and against the principles of good education. English should be laught as a second language upto VII or VIII classes. Then it may be introduced as a medium of instructions onward. Some people say that English medium schools have given good leadership, importance of english language essay.

Language has nothing to do with the qualities f leadership. China, Japan and Ceylon have discarded English medium, still they are prosperous and progressive. To teach a foreign language is different from copying or imitation of foreign culture and imported standard of living. Acquirement of knowledge is the duty of every citizen.

Learning of languages is a part of mental culture. Let us Learn English, but not at the cost of the national language. English is said to be the Lingua Franca of the world.

It is commonly spoken and understood all over the world. It is the language of advanced learning. Good knowledge of English is indispensable for modern progress importance of english language essay international lobbying, importance of english language essay. All advance studies and research work importance of english language essay for sound knowledge of English. They have to qualify in Toffle or entrance courses in English, for foreign studies and scholarships.

It an irony of fate that our students going out for superior services or foreign studies, are neither good in national language Urdu nor in English. The education system should be geared to the needs and aspirations of a free and dignified country and the people.

Strangely, after partition, weakness in English is considered to be a qualification. An email was just sent to confirm your subscription. Please find the email and click 'Confirm Follow' to start subscribing. Your email address will not be published.

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Write a short essay on English language - Essay - English

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Importance of English Language Essay - The College Study

importance of english language essay

 · Essay on Importance of English language The world is rapidly being globalized and becoming a global village. People speak many languages in this world. To reduce such communication barriers we have between so many countries, a common language is blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins  · Essay on Importance of English Language We have come from living in the caves and eating raw meat to having machines cook our food for us. This is because we humans could come together and make breakthroughs in science. This is to say, we could communicate with each other, share ideas, and grow blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins  · 10 Lines on Importance of English Language Essay in English. 1. Every year, , new words are added to the English vocabulary. 2. Words like Selfie, Blogging, are new additions to this language. 3. Every one person out of five can speak and understand English. 4. English has acquired the tag of the language of the internet. blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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