Feb 01, · Controversial Health Topics for an Essay Controversies surround the subject of health. For one, universal healthcare is a central clashing point for many people. Issues associated with nursing and mental well-being draw a lot of opposing opinions as well Controversial Persuasive Essay Topics. Why should gay marriages not be allowed? A man is the product of society, not nature. Discuss. Why should the American legal system support discrimination of minorities? Should sex education be a must for younger teenagers? Why is the Internet not safe for young children? Should children be allowed to drive? May 13, · High-speed internet access should be regulated like a public utility. Yearly driving tests should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license. Recreational marijuana should be made legal nationwide. Legal marijuana should be taxed and regulated like tobacco or blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
Persuasive Essay Topics
One of the best ways to make your persuasive essay engaging is to pick a controversial topic. Students often get stuck at the very beginning as the page in front of them seems blank. These can give you a headstart and guide you through the initial stages of your research and the actual writing. Below is a list of 16 interesting persuasive essay topics and a brief elaboration on the arguments you can make on them.
Many questions related to climate change are hotly debated pun intendedbut most of them are virtually settled by scientists, good controversial topics for persuasive essays, at least to the degree that scientific inquiry allows any issue to be conclusively established.
Is climate change real? Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included. All evidence points to the fact that we produce a large amount of heat-trapping gases, such as carbon dioxide, which are proven to cause our atmosphere to get warmer. So we come to the question in the title of this section.
Humanity faces many existential threats, such as nuclear war, rogue biotechnological attacks, or artificial intelligence. It encapsulates many issues from different spheres. For one thing, you can look at it as a question of whether governments should have the power to determine who has the right to live, good controversial topics for persuasive essays.
It also touches on the purpose of sentencing in general—is it primarily meant to good controversial topics for persuasive essays society from violence or punish perpetrators for wrongdoing? Besides the ethical issues, we also have purely practical ones.
Is capital punishment effective in deterring violent crime, or is it just a remnant of a crueler past? Amnesty International is just one global NGO that strongly condemns capital punishment. The organization argues that state-sanctioned executions violate two of our fundamental human rights established by the United Nations—the right to life and the right to live free of torture or inhumane treatment. Amnesty International also cites the many examples of corrupt governments using the death penalty to eliminate enemies, wrongfully sentenced individuals on death row, and its disproportionate effect on minorities.
This is a multifaceted question that you can explore from more than one side or pick an aspect you want to look at. Two of the most controversial issues that often come up in relation to this debate are drug possession charges and institutional racism. These two come together in one of the most salient examples of injustice—the disparity between sentences for powder cocaine and crack cocaine possession.
Although the two drugs are, in essence, one and the same, possession of crack, which is stereotypically associated with Black people, comes with one hundred times longer sentences than powder cocaine on average. This leads many to blame the disparity on racism. A group of bipartisan lawmakers has recently introduced a bill to reform this discriminatory sentencing trend, so the debate is ongoing.
This is just one example of a good persuasive essay topic related to justice system reform. Did you know that the voting age in the USA used to be 21 until ? That was when a long campaign that transcended partisan lines achieved its goal of convincing lawmakers to introduce the 26th Amendment to the Constitution, reducing the voting age to This movement began during World War II when President Franklin D.
Some argue the USA is currently at a similar crossroads. According to supporters of the reform, teenagers 16 and above have the right to work and have to pay income taxes, so they should have a say in the policies that affect them. Whether you agree or not, this topic provides a great chance to develop your persuasive writing skills.
This has become a topic of discussion in many countries in recent years, as developed and developing nations alike face an obesity epidemic. Opponents claim that imposing such a tax does little to curb obesity and promote a healthier diet. Instead, it disproportionately affects poorer communities that live in so-called food deserts—urban regions where healthy food options are lacking and the only available options are processed foods with a long shelf life.
Supporters of such a measure cite success stories from countries that have given this tax a try and have seen positive results. A recent study from New York University and Tufts University looked at several places where such a tax was imposed, such as Mexico, Hungary, and several US regions, and found some benefits for public health after the measure was implemented.
Few would deny that social media has a massive effect on our lives. Studies show that we spend more than two hours on various social media sites every day. How does that exposure affect our political views?
Many blame social networks for the increased political polarization we see around the world. Social media companies have faced a lot of scrutiny from the public lately, and some have tried to take measures to amend the adverse effects of this polarization. To address concerns, some platforms made changes to their algorithms so that people would get more opposing views in their feeds. However, that effort backfired. It turned out that this only makes things worse. As the COVID pandemic good controversial topics for persuasive essays many students around the world to stay home, screen time has surged.
A significant part of that time is dedicated to video games, as evidenced by the double-digit increase in the global game company revenue in Likewise, can this pastime be blamed for violent behavior in the real world? Some US politicians have tried to pin tragic events, good controversial topics for persuasive essays, such as school shootings on shooter-type video games. However, good controversial topics for persuasive essays, scientists are yet to find a link between engaging in virtual killing sprees and real-life ones.
The numbers work out about the same. Is this controversy even warranted? Most probably not, but, unfortunately, public sphere debates are usually as tied to scientific evidence as bananas are to suicide.
The large majority of people own smartphones nowadays and use them for much more than calls. So are we addicted to those things? Learning another language usually comes with an increased knowledge of other cultures and an appreciation for different communication styles.
It helps students gain perspective and understand the value of diversity. Fortunately, there are also practical benefits. A study published in The Review of Economics and Statistics found that being fluent in a second language is associated with a higher salary, good controversial topics for persuasive essays. This makes sense since knowing a foreign language opens doors in areas related to international business relations.
However, the question in the title of this section still stands: should learning a second language be required? Opponents argue that although having foreign language requirements has its benefits, the time spent on it could be better used if students are given the option to focus on more relevant skills for the current job market, such as computer programming or statistics.
This cost prompts many young people to wonder if attending university is even worth it. A survey by Merrill Lynch and Age Wave asked recent graduates who took out a student loan if they think the degree was worth going into debt for.
On top of that, a growing number of people, including successful entrepreneurs who dropped out of college, are joining the chorus of those calling for a reassessment of college degrees and their usefulness.
Is that the whole story? Most probably not. The majority of experts still agree that a college education is worth the cost, even if good controversial topics for persuasive essays have to take out a student debt. They urge people to think of it as a long-term, low-interest investment in their future, as a degree pays off more and more as time goes by. This is an important question for young adults and a great persuasive essay idea, especially for college-level assignments.
It seems like common sense that a successful academic career leads to a similarly successful professional one. After all, why else do we need to put in the effort to get high marks? It turns out the relationship between a high GPA and future success is more complicated than that, good controversial topics for persuasive essays.
Good grades throughout school and college do have a predictive quality in some respects. However,it gets good controversial topics for persuasive essays more complicated when we introduce the good controversial topics for persuasive essays of creativity. Research shows that successful entrepreneurs who are innovators in their field often did poorly in school, especially in classes where their imagination could not flourish.
So standardized testing is probably not a good way to measure innovation potential. High grades are, good controversial topics for persuasive essays, of course, still preferable, good controversial topics for persuasive essays, and writing a good persuasive essay on this topic can get you one. As the COVID pandemic prompted school closures, many are asking if online schools can replace traditional learning.
Anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts are on the rise among teens, as they are physically removed from part of their social support network, good controversial topics for persuasive essays. Experts also argue that Internet-based schools present purely academic challenges.
This issue touches on economic inequality as well. Many are concerned that students from poorer families are at a disadvantage because of their limited access to computers or the Internet and online learning only exacerbates existing inequality. Sex education is concerned with relationships, boundaries, respect, and identity, among other things. So how young is too young for sex education? As Dr. This question stirs up a lot of emotions in both parents and children.
There are two separate campaigns related to drug testing and middle-school students. The other campaign calls for introducing random drug testing in middle school to prevent drug abuse.
Supporters say this could help address addiction among young people at the roots. However, opponents of both drives claim this is not only unnecessary but good controversial topics for persuasive essays, going as far as to call it a civil liberties violation.
Surely, few would good controversial topics for persuasive essays that animal experimentation is harmful to the creatures involved. Proponents usually frame it as a necessary evil that allows the development of new medical technologies that save human lives.
As people, we take this to be true at face value. Some conservationists and animal rights activists insist the show brought awareness to a serious issue, while others argue it downplayed the animal abuse involved in this trade.
Many are asking, though, if most of these creatures can function in a domestic environment or bring up other legal, ethical, good controversial topics for persuasive essays, and even health concerns. For one thing, large mammals such as apes and big cats are often resistant to training and can seriously hurt or even kill humans. The exotic animal trade is also blamed for driving some species close to extinction or promoting the spread of zoonotic diseases—infectious pathogens that jump from wild animals to humans.
Whatever you choose to focus on, this issue is a great way to improve your persuasive essay writing skills.
Persuasive Topics
, time: 5:1315 Persuasive Essay Topics About Controversial Issues | The Civic Educator

Feb 01, · Controversial Health Topics for an Essay Controversies surround the subject of health. For one, universal healthcare is a central clashing point for many people. Issues associated with nursing and mental well-being draw a lot of opposing opinions as well Good persuasive essay topics can be difficult to come up with, but in this guide we’ve created a list of excellent essay topics for you to browse. The best persuasive essay ideas will be those that you are interested in, have enough evidence to support your argument, and aren’t too complicated to be summarized in an essay May 13, · High-speed internet access should be regulated like a public utility. Yearly driving tests should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license. Recreational marijuana should be made legal nationwide. Legal marijuana should be taxed and regulated like tobacco or blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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