Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay personality

Essay personality

essay personality

Personality is the reasonably stable patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors derived from both genetic predisposition and social learning that distinguish one person from another. There are three terms related to personality. They are traits, states, and types (Drummond & Sheperis, ) My Personality Essay One of my defining personality traits is curiosity. Thus, it is not surprising I am always trying to learn something new and place huge emphasis on facts when it comes to decision making/10() Short Essay on Personality! In daily life the term personality is very freely used by people with different meanings. Some people refer to the physical appearance like height, weight, colour, body built, dress, voice, etc. Some other people refer to intellectual qualities like intelligence, activeness, way of speech, thinking and reasoning abilities, blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

Essays About Personality | WOW Essays

Read this essay to learn about Personality. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Introduction to Personality 2, essay personality. Traits of Personality 3. Factors Influencing 4. Types 5. Assessment 6. Human personality is purposive in its nature. The purposive nature of human personality is amply indicated by its selective information-processing, free decision-making, and creative spon­taneity, essay personality.

Creative purpose is the main theme of human behaviour. Its creative purpose may range from biological creativity and utilitarian creativity to aesthetic essay personality intellectual creativity of the highest order. All other forms of behaviour are subservient to the creative purpose of an individual, essay personality.

The corollary of the creative essay personality in human personality is the appreciative principle. The expressions of the appreciative principle are love, essay personality, sympathy, under­standing, cooperation, and so on. Creative purpose is the principle of individuation.

It is the source of uniqueness of an individual. No two persons have the same personality. Every personality is unique. Even twins brought up in the same environment have different essay personality. Personality is the synthetic unity of all the characteristics reaction tendencies of a person in their intimate interplay. The factors of personality can be distinguished through analysis. They form an organic whole of interdependent party. Personality is not a mere sum of distinguishable aspects.

It refers to a pattern of traits rather than to a mere collection of characteristics. Personality traits tell us how the individual behaves. They show his characteristic style of action. Munn defines personality as the unique integration of per­sonality traits. It is more essay personality a mere sum of measurable aspects. It is an integration and organized whole. An individual is charac­terized, distinguished from others, by his personality.

Permanent aspects of behaviour are included in personality. Bridges defines personality as the sum-total and organization of mental traits, essay personality, original and acquired, essay personality. A personality trait is the trait of some particular trait of behaviour. Personality refers to social behaviour which is pleasing or displeasing to others persons, which is not con­sidered as right or wrong. It is different from character which refers to conduct which is considered as right or wrong or in con­formity with essay personality accepted social standard or repugnant to it.

Personality has some unity. Each individual has his own characteristic style of reacting to the social environment. This constitutes his personality. William McDougall maintained that all the features of an individual play their part in the integration of personality. He defined personality as the synthetic unity of features and functions essay personality an individual. However, he pointed out that personality is not a mere totality but an organic whole of parts.

Watson discarded mentalistic concepts in essay personality personality. Human personality is the sum of activities which can be studied through actual observation of behaviour.

According to Watson, essay personality, the personality of an individual is greatly influenced by the environment. In his view, con­sciousness exists because it is experienced by persons, essay personality.

Each person has within him the Ego which is responsible for the permanence and the continuity of essay personality mental phenomena. The Ego grows, and develops by maintaining itself in the psycho-physical field. Allport defines personality as a unique distinctive individual. He empha­sizes the aspect of dynamic organization of all psychophysical systems in an individual which determines his unique adjustment to his environment. Personality is complex organization of the entire system of habits, interests, attitudes, thoughts and the essay personality in an individual, essay personality.

Cattell defines personality by taking into account its pre­dictive characteristics. Per­sonality is concerned with all the behaviour of an individual, both overt and under the skin.

Mowrer and Kluckhohn have defined personality by incor­porating the concepts from the fields of psycho-analysis, social anthropology and psychology of learning. According essay personality them personality is an organized, adjusting, and behaving entity. Ralph Linton maintains that the bulk of a personality is constituted by the systems of habits shared by an individual through social contact. The behaviour of an individual is relatively in harmony with his socio-cultural environment.

It is the organizing principle of behaviour, essay personality. It constitutes the unique characteristics of a person which distinguishes him essay personality other persons.

In his view, traits are not discovered by direct essay personality. They are not active of all times in a per­sonality, essay personality. They have to be inferred through trait analysis and the stability or consistency of personality has to be ascertained.

Personal appearance, as indicated by height, build, facial expression, and complexion together with voice, dress and other personal characteristics, is an essay personality factor of personality.

Physical traits are important aspects of the total personality. They affect other persons powerfully. Mental traits such as intelligence, observation, memory, imagination, attention judgment, and reasoning are important traits of personality.

Intelligence means the ability to meet and solve the problem of life. It is allied with the ability to learn. Mental alertness should go along with intelligence, essay personality. Acquired abilities and special sptitudes, e.

Emotional traits and tendencies are important factors of personality. We ask: Is the person essay personality or excitable, cheerful or gloomy, courageous or timid? Temperaments are said to be due to the hormones secreted by the endocrine glands. Emotionality has much to do with the nature of personality, essay personality. Volitional traits or will-power and moral character are important factors of personality. Volition is responsible for the control of voluntary actions.

We ask: Is the person active 01 lethargic strong-minded or vacillating? It includes those reactions which are relate to our moral and religious codes and to our personally approved standard of conduct. They constitute the most important aspect of personality. Social traits indicate essay personality or not an individual can smoothly get along with other persons in society. There are persons with different degrees of sociability. This is one of the most important factors of per­sonality.

This personality trait is essential essay personality success, essay personality. Very bright persons are often-found to fail in life owing to lack of forcefulness or persistence, essay personality. Their failure is due to lack of tenacity of purpose and effort.

Many persons with mediocre ability outstrip such persons by dint of dogged persistence. Ability and persistence are essential to personal success. All these traits are integrated in a person. Complete integration or unification is the ideal of personality, essay personality. Heredity and environment are the two essay personality factors in the development of personality.

Heredity endows a person with innate powers or potentialities. The environment gives him facilities for the realization of these potentialities. The physical environment exerts a powerful influence on the personality of an individual. The climate, soil, plants and animals, food, etc. The social environment exerts a more powerful influence upon the personality of an individual.

If the parents give sufficient initiative and ample opportunities to the child to protect himself and master a difficult situation, he will grow into an independent, strong an self-reliant person. If the parents are over-cautious and protect the child too much, and attend to all his needs, he will develop into a dependent, weak, essay personality person.

Alfred Alder attaches great importance to the birth-order of the child in the family. The only, child, the pet of the parents, is apt to become over-dependent and tyrannical. The second child, eager to dispossess the first child of his privilege, is apt to be a rebel against the established order.

Personality Essay Introduction

, time: 5:30

Essay on Personality

essay personality

My Personality Essay One of my defining personality traits is curiosity. Thus, it is not surprising I am always trying to learn something new and place huge emphasis on facts when it comes to decision making/10() Dec 02,  · Describe Your Personality Essay. 12/02/ | George Orwell | |. Personal narrative essays are prevalent types of essays that are written by College students in the UK during their admission to graduate degrees. The narrative essay also forms a part of scholarship essays and admission essays as well. These essays are written by the writer by describing a Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Aug 09,  · The Five Factor Model of Personality Essay Words | 8 Pages. The Five Factor Model of PersonalityThe precise definition of personality has been a point of discussionamongst many different theorists within many different disciplines since thebeginning of civilisation.5/5(1)

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