Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on the pearl by john steinbeck

Essay on the pearl by john steinbeck

essay on the pearl by john steinbeck

The Pearl by John Steinbeck Essay Words6 Pages Many people in the world today grow crazy and mad when surrounded by even the slightest bit of wealth and good fortune. Even a strong person who recognizes their priorities  · In the parable, The Pearl, Steinbeck uses symbolism extensively to create and develop the novel’s themes. The pearl of the book’s title is a symbol, which develops from a paradise of hopes and dreams, to a destructive centre of evil. The key symbol of the pearl generates the theme of the destructive nature of greed throughout the book  · Essay on the Pearl by John Steinbeck novella's protagonist, is a young Mexican-Indian pearl diver married to Juana; they have a baby named Coyotito. Their lives seem rather peaceful, but their tranquility is threatened when a scorpion bites Coyotito

The Pearl-John Steinbeck Free Essay Example

There is a peaceful family including Kino, Juana, and their baby boy Coyotito in La Paz, Mexico. One night, when they are watching Coyotito sleeping, a scorpion falls on his shoulder and stings him.

Kino accompanies Juana go to see a local doctor, but he does not want to save their son because he knows that they do not have money. Then, they bring their son to the beach and use seaweed poultice on the wound. To earn money to cure for Coyotito, Kino has an idea that is looking pearl oysters to collect pearls.

he sails a boat far away coaster and dives into the ocean to gather oyster. Luckily, he catches an enormous oyster with a big pearl inside. He yells loudly to describe happiness, but many people in his village know that he got the essay on the pearl by john steinbeck. They get to his house with the hope that he will grant them a little money. He tries to convince Kino and his wife to cure for their son even though his son is fine now.

Some of them want to find the place where Kino places the pearl to steal, and they found the place he buries the pearl. Kino takes the pearl to jewelry stores, but all of them offer him just one thousand pesos while Kino thinks that it is supposed to be fifty thousand. He decides to go to the capital to sell it.

That night, there are more thieves chasing him. Juana tells Kino that he should sell it even one thousand because she thinks it could kill her family, but he does not want. She decides to throw it away, but Kino sees it. He tries to take it back. On the way going to the capital, there are three trackers with guns following Kino. Their family hides in a cave, but they get caught because Coyotito cries.

The trackers shoot a lot into the cave, essay on the pearl by john steinbeck. Kino runs outside of the cave and kills all of the trackers.

When he gets back in the cave, he realizes his wife was killed. He is really depressed for that lost, but he has to keep going because of his son. Eventually, he gets to a jewelry store at the capital. He makes an appointment with a dealer at a hotel to sell the pearl, but he does not know that the doctor is in the hotel too. Coyotito cries a lot, so Kino immediately rushes into his room.

Kino calls the police, but the doctor tries to prevent him. He fights with Kino and accidentally pushes him out of the window. He flees immediately, but the dealer sees him when he is running out of the room. The dealer sees Coyotito crying a lot and is informed that Kino died. The dealer and his wife are quite old, but they cannot have children. They decide to adopt Coyotito. At the 18th birthday of Coyotito, they tell him the truth that they are not his real parents and give him a gift that is the pearl.

They tell him the story about the reason why his real father died. To appreciate the valuable thing from his father, he always wears the pearl on his neck. When studying at a university, he lives with some people in a dormitory. One day, after essay on the pearl by john steinbeck soccer, he takes off his t-shirt. Dany who lives with Coyotito at dormitory notices the pear essay on the pearl by john steinbeck plans to steal it.

Next day, he brings it far away from the dormitory to sell it. Coyotito and his father take Dany to see police officers. After investigating, the doctor gets sentenced to stay in prison lifetime. Coyotito realized the pear will not bring happiness to anybody. It also might kill him in someday.

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Writing Presentation on The Pearl by John Steinbeck.

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essay on the pearl by john steinbeck

 · The Pearl is a novella by John Steinbeck. It is about a pearl diver called Kino who lives a simple and happy life with his wife and son. This happy life did not last because his child, Coyotito, is stung by a scorpion. Since they are a poor /5(41) The Pearl by John Steinbeck Essay Words6 Pages Many people in the world today grow crazy and mad when surrounded by even the slightest bit of wealth and good fortune. Even a strong person who recognizes their priorities  · Essay on the Pearl by John Steinbeck novella's protagonist, is a young Mexican-Indian pearl diver married to Juana; they have a baby named Coyotito. Their lives seem rather peaceful, but their tranquility is threatened when a scorpion bites Coyotito

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