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Essay on extracurricular activities

Essay on extracurricular activities

essay on extracurricular activities

The Importance Of Extracurricular Activities Words | 4 Pages. Extra-curriculars are beneficial towards one’s life and future. It has been proven by researchers that extra-curricular activities raise academics, enhance certain life skills, and provide an overall healthier life style, with the addition of it improving college opportunities Extracurricular Activities Essay Words | 6 Pages. Extracurricular Activities Research was performed on the claim of fact that students involved in extracurricular activities receive higher grades than those not involved in activities. This topic was studied because high school budgets are meager, and the administrations of these schools want to spend the money  · Essay Sample: The topic chosen for this Internal Assessment is “To What Extent Does Participation in Extracurricular Activities Impact on Academic Success of Form 6 +1 () Free essays. Essay topics and ideas; Tools. Plagiarism checker; Thesis statement generator; About us; Hire Writer. Participation in Extracurricular Activities. Categories: Activity

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Contents 1. Literature Review…………………………………………………………………………. Survey Findings…………………………………………………………………………. Analysis of Data…………………………………………………………………………15 5. The way students choose to spend their free time can affect their academic performance; it is not simply traditional in-class instruction that impacts academic achievement.

Department of Education revealed that students who participate in co-curricular activities are three times more likely to have a grade point essay on extracurricular activities of 3. A correlation appears to exist between the activities that students choose outside of the classroom and their academic performance. One of the main controversies is the effect that television viewing of students has on their academic achievement, essay on extracurricular activities.

Hire a subject expert to help you with Extracurricular Activities. The amount and quality of television viewing and family involvement are not the only influences of academic performance. The effects of music and sports are also controversial in their relation to academic performance. University Deans are interested in the relationship between academic achievement and participation in interscholastic sports at university level these days implying that sports do have some sort of influence on how students perform academically.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the club activities that students of North South University where I study currently take part in have an effect on their academic performance. Literature Review The History of Extracurricular Activities The development of extracurricular activities was slow in the beginning, with many seeing it simply as a fad that would pass and quickly fade out essay on extracurricular activities style Millard,p.

Eventually essay on extracurricular activities, including educators, began to see the benefits of extracurricular activities, but it took a while to inure themselves to them. It is obvious that extracurricular activities have an impact on academic performance and education ever since their inception, essay on extracurricular activities.

The question is, how are extracurricular activities affecting academic performance today? Extracurricular Activities and Academic Performance Numerous studies have been conducted concerning the relationship between extracurricular activities and academic performance. Although researchers agree that extracurricular activities do, in fact, influence academic performance, the specific effect that various activities produce is debated.

Researchers have particularly studied the relationship between extracurricular activities and academic performance in adolescents. Darling, Caldwell, and Smith conducted a longitudinal study concerning extracurricular activities and their effect on various aspects of development, including academic performance.

A survey containing a list of twenty different extracurricular activities was distributed to students; they were asked to check which extracurricular activities they participated in that year.

Demographic questions, such as their favorite activity, gender, and ethnicity were asked in order to take the social factors and influences into account when calculating the results.

The students were also asked what their academic goals were and their grade point average. The results showed that the students essay on extracurricular activities participated in school-based extracurricular activities had higher grades, higher academic aspirations, and better academic attitudes than those who were not essay on extracurricular activities in extracurricular activities at all Para. Social Influences of Extracurricular Activities and Academic Performance Numerous studies indicate that extracurricular activities do, in fact, promote academic performance in students, essay on extracurricular activities.

However, are the extracurricular activities themselves, regardless of outside or social influences, responsible for this impact on academic performance?

Guest and Schneider conducted research on what influence various social factors had on the relationship between extracurricular activities and academic performance. They believed that every school and community assigned certain values to the various activities, putting more importance on some over others.

Guest and Schneider concluded that there are three factors which influence this relationship. All three of these factors work together to influence the relationship between participation in extracurricular activities and academic performance, because each one places a different value both on activities and academics. Formal Versus Informal Extracurricular Activities Some researchers have divided extracurricular activities into informal and formal activities.

The formal activities include activities which are relatively structured, such as participating in athletics or learning to play a musical instrument. Informal activities, on the other hand, also known as leisure activities, include less structured activities, such as watching television, essay on extracurricular activities.

There have been many studies conducted on the influence that extracurricular activities have on academic performance. The Relationship Between Volunteer Work and Academic Performance A dearth of literature on the relationship between volunteering and academic achievement exists; nevertheless, it is becoming more popular in academic settings as a way of improving academics, as well as society. Essay on extracurricular activities schools now require their students to complete a mandatory number of hours of volunteer work per year or semester.

Usually the services performed are related, in some way, to some academic subject, but most forms of volunteer work and community service can be tied to academics in one way or another. All of the literature concerning the relationship between academic performance and volunteering presented a positive relationship.

This clearly shows that the majority essay on extracurricular activities the members of these three clubs feel that they perform poor in their academics when they are involved with club works. The activities of the club, although it may provide satisfaction to the active members, it does not help them with their studies. The courses they take at NSU have no relation with the activities of the club. Therefore, they get exhausted after doing the activities of the club and do not get time to concentrate on their studies.

And also, essay on extracurricular activities, since the activities of these three clubs have no relation with the courses offered at NSU, it does not help them with their academics in any way. Here, essay on extracurricular activities, it should be mentioned that all the members who filled up the questionnaires from these two clubs were from the Economics and English departments respectively. Although it is not mandatory for the members of YEF to be from the economics department and for the members of English club to be from the English department, my sample included all YEF members from the Economics department and all English Club members from the English department.

This shows that since the extracurricular activities chosen by the members of YEF and English Club from the selected sample are related to their field of study at NSU, they feel their CGPA improves and that the activities have a positive effect on their academic performance. Finally, when the CGPA of the total sample is analyzed, it can be seen that sixty percent of the total sample have a bad CGPA between 1.

The rest forty percent have a very good CGPA between 3. This further strengthens the argument that students who are involved in club activities which complements their studies perform well in their studies than those students whose club activities are unrelated to their academics. Conclusion From the conducted survey, it can be concluded that my hypothesis is partially proved correct. However, the club activity must be related to the courses taken by the students or their field of study.

All being said and done, students should not base their decision of getting involved in club activities or participating in any other extracurricular activity from the findings of this study.

This research is only a small attempt to find out the relationship between extracurricular activities and academic performance at NSU. Students should set their priorities themselves and choose their extracurricular activity accordingly or choose them according to their interests. They have the liberty to do so as they are mature adults. However, it would be wise if students chose their extracurricular activities carefully. At the end of the day, academic performance matters the most. References Bringing Up Girls in Science.

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Sociology of Education, 75, Brown, K. Research methods in human development. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publications. Darling, essay on extracurricular activities, N. Participation in school-based extracurricular activities and adolescent adjustment [Electronic version]. Journal of Leisure Research, 37, Fujita, K. The Effects of Extracurricular Activities on the Academic Performance of Junior High Students [Electronic version].

Undergraduate Research Community. html Guest, A. Sociology of Education, 76, Hinck, S. Service learning: Facilitating academic learning and character development [Electronic version], essay on extracurricular activities.

National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin, 83, Marsh, H. Extracurricular activities: The good, the bad, and the nonlinear [Electronic version]. Harvard Educational Review, 72, Millard, C. The organization and administration of extra curricular activities. New York: A. Barnes and Co. Shin, N. Exploring pathways from television viewing to academic achievement in school age children [Electronic version]. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, Simon, B. Family involvement in high school: Predictors and effects [Electronic version].

National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin, 85, Stephens, L. The effect of interscholastic sports participation on academic achievement of middle level school activities [Electronic version]. National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin, 86, Extracurricular Activities. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Jan 23, Accessed May 19, comJan An example of this would be a varsity player who has training in the afternoon till evening, essay on extracurricular activities goes home with the notion that he still has to do an.

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Importance of extracurricular activities in MBA admission – Site Title

essay on extracurricular activities

 · The extracurricular activities play an important role in the MBA applications. Every business school analyzes the candidate based on well-rounded application but extracurricular activities have their own importance. In the MBA admission process, the university committee focuses on six categories that include standardized tests, academic records, GMAT, IELTS &  · Related Essays. Extracurricular Activities. Extracurricular Activities. Hire verified expert. Effect of extracurricular activities on the gpa. Essay type Research. An example of this would be a varsity player who has training in the afternoon till evening, then goes home with the notion that he still has to do an. The Importance of Extracurricular Activities Camry. Essay  · Learn from these great extracurricular activity examples to use when writing your activities list or for getting inspiration for new activities for the Common Application. About One-on-One. College Counseling & Essays 9th - 11th Graders Graduate School Students. Online Courses Counselors. Online Courses Workshops Schools & Organizations Resources Free

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