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Adolescence short essay

Adolescence short essay

adolescence short essay

Adolescence Essay Words | 4 Pages. Adolescence is the transitional period wherein a young person is expected to mature into a healthy adult. A young person may face several obstacles to learning the socially-responsible behaviors that go along with healthy, well-adjusted adulthood. These obstacles can include antisocial behavior  · Long and Short Essays on Adolescence for Students and Kids in English Long Essay on Adolescence Words in English. Long Essay on Adolescence is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and Short Essay on Adolescence Words in English. Short Essay on Adolescence is usually given to classes 1, 2 Adolescence Essays. essay samples found. Domestic Violence on Children | Criminology Dissertations. Domestic Violence on Children Dissertation The Nature of Domestic Violence Domestic violence has been defined as: a continuum of behaviour ranging from verbal abuse, physical, and sexual assault, to rape and even homicide. The vast

Adolescence Free Essay Sample

Adolescence is the transition stage between childhood and adulthood, adolescence short essay. It is also referred to as teenage years and puberty. During puberty,both boys and girls experience hormonal changes that occur in their early youth. The period of adolescence can extend well beyond the teenage years which can be between adolescence short essay — 24 years. The development characteristics of an adolescent include physical,cognitive and social emotional development.

They are further divided into three different stages: The first stage being the early adolescence 11 — 13 years of age. In girls, breasts and hip develop on set of menstruation, mostly interested in the present with limited thought to the future and increased influence of peer group, adolescence short essay. The second stage is the middle adolescence 14 years where puberty is completed and physical growth for girls slows down while for boys continues.

In cognitive development there is continued growth of capacity for abstract thought,greater capacity for setting goals,thinking about the meaning of life adolescence short essay in social emotional development. There is intensive self-involvement changing between high expectations and poor self concept,worries about being normal, tendency to distance themselves from parents,increased sexual interest with feelings of love and passion,driven to make friends and greater reliance on them.

Late adolescence is between 19 — 24 years of age where young women are typically physically developed. The young men continue to gain height, weight and body hair. In the cognitive development, adolescence short essay, the girls have the ability to think ideas through from the beginning to the end while the boys have ability to delay gratification.

In social-emotional development there is increased concern for others,increased independence and self reliance,peer relationship remain important and increase of more serious relationships besides traditions and culture regain some of their importance.

SEXUAL ACTIVITY With reference to some stage about adolescence,the teenage boys and girls experience an increased sexual urge for the opposite sex without knowing the consequences of early boy — girl relationships.

The girls may end up pregnant causing the girl to withdraw from the society or to abort and discard the shame. Arbotion is an act of killing which is not allowed within the society.

In sexual activity,both the boy and the girl may be infected with sexually transmitted adolescence short essay like syphilis which may affect their childbearing in adulthood. ANOREXIA NERVOSA. A problem peculiar to adolescents and the number has recently grown especially in girls. They tremendously loose weight and has a multi-organ dysfunction adolescence short essay the period of most rapid growth and can lead to serious developmental disorders both psychological and physical.

The ex-anorexia nervosa patients tend to have problems during pregnancy,childbirth and child rearing. They may suffer from a child rearing disorder and find it difficult to take good care of their child or even unable to feed the child with baby food.

It is a physical sign that starts to develop a psychological problem affecting the social nature of the teenager. DRUG ABUSE At some stages in adolescents, there is increase of peer relationships and also adolescence short essay tendency to distance themselves from parents. These areas lead the adolescents to smoking, adolescence short essay, drinking alcohol, excess dieting due to peer pressure and influence. The behavior results to poor health, seclusion from home, school avoidance.

This may result into a social problem. CHILD SUICIDE This factor would arise when the person does not communicate the value of life, decides that life adolescence short essay valueless and does not provide for solutions.

In this case the person had only the passion of love indicating a problem in the social environment as to be less valued. VIOLENCE When teenagers are driven to make friends and have greater reliance on them, they are denied chances to seek advice from elders and as a result, violence occurs due to misunderstanding and bad groupings which becomes a threat to the society, adolescence short essay.

Violence also occurs when the child is nurtured in a cruel environment thus the child grows into adulthood not knowing the co-existence of love especially within the family members. Parents should be made aware that for good health, good diet contributes a lot to the development of a person both physically, mentally and psychologically.

Such a child may not develop health disorders in the future or even have an adverse effect on the next generation. There is therefore need for supplementary guidance and outdoor activities with adolescence short essay help of specialists. Besides, there should be creation of organizations like community health care in line with medical services and child welfare for an interactive activity which will be responsible for the primary care for the psychological and health care problems of the adolescent.

With regard to health issues during adolescence, the public relations PR need to be strengthened through television, radio, magazines, pamphlets and posters. Particular emphasis should be placed on contraception and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, drug abuse and early pregnancies.

In school, adolescence short essay, teachers should work as a team to give guidance on adolescent health care in collaboration with school nurse or school pharmacists, adolescence short essay. The gymnastics and physical health education PE should be adolescence short essay and encouraged in schools and the midwives, police personnel, ex-drug regulatory officials and doctors should be invited to hold talks with adolescents on prevention of drug abuse and sex.

With relation to ministry of education and science it is necessary to urge adolescents to recognize the value of life and to be aware that they will be responsible for rearing their own children in future by encouraging the development of teaching materials, tools and methods which can convey clear messages.

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Adolescence Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on

adolescence short essay

Adolescence is also the time when puberty begins. The development of secondary sex characteristics including growth of pubic hair, spermarche, voice changes, growth of underarm and facial hair, increased production of oil, increased sweat gland activity, and the beginning of acne (Ruffin, ) Adolescence Essay Words | 4 Pages. Adolescence is the transitional period wherein a young person is expected to mature into a healthy adult. A young person may face several obstacles to learning the socially-responsible behaviors that go along with healthy, well-adjusted adulthood. These obstacles can include antisocial behavior Adolescence is the transition stage between childhood and adulthood. It is also referred to as teenage years and puberty. During puberty,both boys and girls experience hormonal changes that occur in their early youth. The period of adolescence can extend well beyond the teenage years which can be between 10 – 24 years

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